News Update19 Februari 2019 08:48:38: Analisis KR Guru Produktif

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International Seminar dengan tema Quality Improvment in Curriculum Development

Diterbitkan pada 29 September 2018

Waktu Pelaksanaan : 27 Oktober 2018 s/d 27 Oktober 2018
Tempat : New Saphir Hotel Yogyakarta


Curriculum development is an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Curriculum development never stops, it is a constant process in line with the advance and demands of the era and changes that occur in society. The curriculum becomes an instrument that helps education practitioners meet the needs of students and community. It is also a tool to help teachers carry out their teaching duties.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Ng Kok Chuan
ICAS Training & Education College

Stuart Weston
Director of the Tanoto Foundation
(United Kingdom)

Prof. Dr. Ki Supriyoko, S.D.U., M.Pd.
Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (Indonesia)



and education practitioners are encouraged to participate in this seminar.



Lecturers, teachers, education
practitioners: IDR. 350.000
Students: IDR. 250.000
Paper presenters: IDR. 500.000

Payment can be made by:
Bank transfer:
Bank: BNI 46
Account Holder: Debriantika
Swift Code: BNINIDJA
Branch: YGY
Account Number: 340598794

Sub Topic

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Curriculum
The Cambridge Curriculum
Implementation of Curriculum in Indonesia

Important Date

Abstract submission                      : 6th October 2018
Notification of acceptance              : 13th October 2018
Full paper submission                  : 23th October 2018
Deadline for presenter registration : 20th October 2018
Template and submission             :


Seminar kits,
snack and lunch,
CD of proceeding with ISBN for presenters online  proceeding.

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